Sony Pictures Animation’s Connected is an original animated comedy from director Mike Rianda (Gravity Falls) and producers Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, The Lego Movie). When Katie Mitchell (voiced by Abbi Jacobson), a creative outsider, is accepted into the film school of her dreams, her plans to fly to college are upended when her nature-loving dad Rick (voiced by Danny McBride) determines the whole family should drive Katie to school together and bond as a family one last time.
Katie and Rick are joined by the rest of the family, including Katie’s wildly positive mom Linda (voiced by Maya Rudolph), her quirky little brother Aaron (voiced by Mike Rianda), and the family’s delightfully chubby pug Monchi for the ultimate family road trip. Suddenly, the Mitchells’ plans are interrupted by a tech uprising: all around the world, the electronic devices people love – from phones, to appliances, to an innovative new line of personal robots – decide it’s time to take over. With the help of two friendly malfunctioning robots, the Mitchells will have to get past their problems and work together to save each other and the world!
REVIEW: The Killer's Game (2024 Film) Starring Dave Bautista
The Killer's Game is a fun, action-packed comedy where Dave Bautista stars as Joe Flood, a hitman who mistakenly puts a hit out on him...
Bryce McGuire's directorial debut, "Night Swim," attempts to plunge audiences into a chilling pool of supernatural horror wi...
"The Family Plan" delivers an enjoyable mix of action and comedy, directed by Simon Cellan Jones and written by David Coggeshall...