Vampires vs. the Bronx is an upcoming American comedy horror film directed by Osmany Rodriguez and written by Osmany Rodriguez and Blaise Hemingway. The film follows a group of teenagers who are forced to protect their neighborhood in the Bronx when a gathering of vampires invades.
A group of young friends from the Bronx fight to save their neighborhood from a band of vampires. Only on Netflix October 2.
MOVIE REVIEW: The Crow (2024 Film) Starring Bill Skarsgård
Rupert Sanders' 2024 reboot of The Crow reimagines the classic tale of love and vengeance with a modern twist, featuring Bill Skarsgår...
Bryce McGuire's directorial debut, "Night Swim," attempts to plunge audiences into a chilling pool of supernatural horror wi...
"The Family Plan" delivers an enjoyable mix of action and comedy, directed by Simon Cellan Jones and written by David Coggeshall...