Unhinged is a 2020 American thriller film directed by Derrick Borte, from a screenplay by Carl Ellsworth. The film stars Russell Crowe, Caren Pistorius, Gabriel Bateman, Jimmi Simpson and Austin P. McKenzie. The film follows a young woman who is harassed by a seemingly unstable stranger following a road rage incident.
Unhinged was theatrically released by Solstice Studios in Germany on July 16, 2020 and is scheduled to be released in the United States on August 21, 2020. It received mixed reviews from critics.
MOVIE REVIEW: The Crow (2024 Film) Starring Bill Skarsgård
Rupert Sanders' 2024 reboot of The Crow reimagines the classic tale of love and vengeance with a modern twist, featuring Bill Skarsgår...
Bryce McGuire's directorial debut, "Night Swim," attempts to plunge audiences into a chilling pool of supernatural horror wi...
"The Family Plan" delivers an enjoyable mix of action and comedy, directed by Simon Cellan Jones and written by David Coggeshall...